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Attractions near Bayview

This is a list of the attractions near this property that are featured on AboutBritain.com
It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all attractions near this property.
Toy Museum, Glendale (25 Miles)*
Amazing collection of toys, dolls, games, teddy bears and miniatures.
St Kilda National Nature Reserve (49 Miles)*
Remote and spectacular, the St Kilda archipelago lies 41 miles west of North Uist and is home to the largest colony of weabirds in northern Europe
* Distances shown are in a direct line. Distances by road will be longer.

Towns near Bayview
Eriskay (27 Miles)*
Luskentyre (33 Miles)*
Idrigil (37 Miles)*
Idrigil is a quite beautiful spot on the west coast of Skye and is the departing point for the ferry to the Western Isles.
Uig (37 Miles)*
Carbost (38 Miles)*
* Distances shown are in a direct line. Distances by road will be longer.

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