Things to do in Bow Brickhill, Buckinghamshire
The village of Bow Brickhill is one of three Brickhills:
"There stand the three Brickhills, all in a row,
Great Brickhill, Little Brickhill,
and Brickhill with the Bow."
Situated at the south east corner of the new city of Milton Keynes, the village of Bow Brickhill nestles into the hillside, adjacent to large areas of woodland.
Over the past thirty years the views from Church Road have changed beyond all recognition as the new city of Milton Keynes, the last in a series of new towns, developed from rural pastures into a tree-lined urban area.
Bow Brickhill has one public house - the Wheatsheaf - a village school, two halls and All Saints' Church, which sits at the top of the steep gradient of Church Road.
Description by Sue Malleson
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