Things to do in Drummore, Dumfries and Galloway
Drummore is Scotland's most southerly village, which sits on the eastern side of the South Rhins of Galloway. Although it is a small village it has three pubs, all of which serve food. In Drummore there is also a very friendly garage, post office and general store. There is no shortage of holiday accommodation such as bed and breakfast, caravan sites and holiday cottages. The people in the village are very friendly and helpful.
The drive down to Drummore once you have left the A75, is very scenic and depending on the time of year you stand a good chance of seeing different types of seabirds, seals and deer. The beaches are close to the road with many stopping off points both for fishing or just admiring the view. The climate is mild and as a result there are some wonderful gardens to visit.
Once you reach the village you have a lovely view of the harbour, which is tidal and was once owned by the MOD. It has fallen into a state of disrepair, however discussions are ongoing with a view to improvements. There are wonderful views out to Luce bay and the opposite coastline.
Approximately five miles away is the Mull of Galloway where you will find a fine example of one of Robert Stephenson's lighthouses and also a wonderful coffee shop with a grass roof to ensure minimal impact on the environment. The views from here are breathtaking and the lighthouse is worth climbing to maximise the views.
The pace of life is much slower here and you very definitely escape the rat race.
Description by Sue Howlett
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