Things to do in Icklesham, East Sussex
Icklesham is a small village on the main A259 between Hastings and Rye.
In earlier times it dominated the River Brede in the valley to the north and is believed to have been a prime target to the Normans in 1066 when they landed.From Rye passing through Icklesham along the main road to the right are wonderful views of the Brede Valley, to the left perched high on the hill is Hogs Hill Windmill which was built in 1781.
It was powered by wind until 1920 and now houses a recording studio owned by Sir Paul McCartney.
From the top of the hill, which is surrounded by orchards and open countryside there are wonderful views across the marshes and down to the sea.
As you enter the village on the left hand side you will see All Saints Church, said to be one of the gems of East Sussex with its tall Norman tower and contrasting stonework.
Further along the road to the left is Parsonage Lane leading up to a delightful country pub called the Queens Head.The village has a real sense of community with its school, village hall, cricket pavilion and playing field and a collection of old cottages and houses.
There are several nice B&Bs in and around the village and some wonderful country walks on the 1066 route through apple orchards and open countryside.
With its close proximity to the ancient Cinque Ports of Winchelsea and Rye, Icklesham is a great place to live and a wonderful place to visit
Description by J. W. Boyall
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