Things to do in Hadnall, Shropshire
Hadnall is a small village about 4 miles North of Shrewsbury on the A49. Just south of the village is the site of the 140' battle of Shrewsbury where Henry IV defeated Harry Hotspur at the bloodiest of battles ever fought on English soil. There is a small museum on the site.
In the village we have a small hotel which provides high class cuisine as well as comfortable ensuite accommodation. We have also a bed and breakgast guest house with ensuite rooms. There is a village pub which serves home made traditional meals at reasonable prices. If you have a caravan we have a beautifully appointed site, very quiet, with aswimming pool, restaurant and all facilities.
From the village there are walks, we are on the main Shropshire trail, and there is easy access to the Welsh Border country and to the rtiver Severn.
By using the park and ride there is a no hassle way of exploring Shrewsbury, a lovely old market town.
Description by W. Cruickshank
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