Things to do in Offton, Suffolk
Offton is a small rural village that is about 5 miles from Needham market and about 8 miles from Ipswich town.
This is an ordinary little village with a village hall and an old post office. There are many old houses in offton, but new houses are currently being built.
Offton is a very historical place as there is an old school house, an old black smith from 1856 and a telephone box. The old post office was run by many generations of the Barham family. There is a pub in Offton called The Limeburners, it is a small and great pub where many people enjoy a good pint.
There are many farm's in Offton, Mount Pleasant Farm, Castle Farm and Lost Farm. Many people walk around Offtons Castle Farm as that is one of its greatest farms.
A new village hall is being built with a play park on Lower Conie Hill, which will be great for little children to play when they get bored. In the past children that lived in the village didn't have a park to enjoy, so they made there own games to play on the village green.
Althought Offton is a small countryside village hopefully it will grow to become a great historical village, that many generations will come to see and enjoy.
Description by Chloe Durrant
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